Montana, Idaho, Wyoming - Summer Season 2020

Well, this spring/summer season certainly started out differently than I had planned. Writing this introduction in early May, there’s still no telling how close the remainder of the season and year will be to what I had envisioned under current conditions of viral pandemic. The hard plan was to be in Greece from early April to early June. The next set plans in terms of deposits paid for trips were for a group guided canoeing trip on the Missouri River in Montana for a week in late June and a guided group trekking trip in the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming in late August. In between I tentatively planned to attend a few events like Crow Fair around Montana and do a hiking trip in the mountains in central Idaho with a lot of local hiking in between. For September I had a road trip to Oregon on my mind and was seriously thinking about a long trip to several countries in Asia toward the end of the year. Well, obviously Greece didn’t happen and it’s not clear as of early May if much of the rest will take place, even out-of-state travel since Montana and several surrounding states currently have mandatory two-week quarantines on entering the state. Will it be a summer solely of in-state travel? There could be a lot worse places for that than the fourth largest state in the country, and one that is so far relatively open for business and plague-free. Although I tend to be a planner, the rest of this year will have to involve taking things one day or one week at a time.
Planned Dates
2020-04-01 to 2020-10-31

Trip Map

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