Ni Hao Beijing!

I didn't think studying abroad was in the cards for me because of financial reasons and my degree requirements. But everything has fallen into place and I am so excited to take this next leap in my life and education. I are embracing the freedom that comes with having no itinerary, but have made a few plans. I will begin studying at the Beijing Language and Culture University in February. I have a hostel booked for the first five days we are in the city. After that, its anyone's guess! My sister, Monica, who first created this blog when we backpacked through Europe in the summer of 2007, gave me a travel diary for Christmas this year. Inside there are some great quotes. One of my favorites reads, "The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see." -- G.K. Chesterton. Ben and I hope to be travelers. Whatever I discover about China, it will be valuable knowledge. And I cannot wait to start the adventure!
Planned Dates
Jan 05, 2011 to Jun 29, 2011

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