Road to Nowhere 2015

Our bags are packed again and 11th February sees us off and travelling out of the Gold Coast to Cambodia (yes, again after five years). Siem Reap is our first port of call followed by Battambang. We have some interesting things in store in Cambodia before heading off via Bangkok and overnight train to Vientiane - Laos. We'll explore Laos for three weeks - Vientiane, Phonsovan, Nong Khiaw and Luang Prabang. Hope what we have planned is as interesting to you as it will be for us. Oh in case you're wondering - the sexy legs above belong to Bob - a photo taken in Varanasi whilst travelling in India (which seems like yesterday but was in fact over 2 years ago now). So here we are now in 2015 and looking forward to some new adventures. See you when we're on the road back home on the 14th March.
Planned Dates
Feb 11, 2015 to Mar 13, 2017

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