Big in Japan

My name is Tom Shaun, and I am in Japan ostensibly to take up a position teaching English to Japanese students of all ages. However, the first two weeks of my stay coincided with the Japanese school summer vacations. Myself and 4 friends used this time to do some travelling and to try and see as much of this weird and wonderful country as possible. The other 4 members of my group are called Marion, Ali, Mary and James. Marion and Ali have been here in Numazu teaching since April; Mary is Marion's sister and James is Marion's boyfriend. Mary and James were just visiting and returned to the UK shortly before we returned to work. This blog is about my experiences during this two week period; about the people, places, sights and sounds that made this fortnight the best of my life.
Planned Dates
Jul 23, 2013 to Aug 08, 2013

Trip Map