Dec. 22. Wednesday. 79 degrees, partly cloudy. At Sea. Seas 1-3 ft. Last night was the Captains reception, followed by a brief ABBA review by the cast. This cast is the best yet; a little older and more experienced. After that we went to the Meridian lounge for a drink before dinner. There, we met both the GM and the Food and Beverage manager (so, where is the Grolsch and diet tonic???) apparently supply chair issues are hitting everywhere and everything! We met Otto and Lissy in Prime 7 for dinner, then on to the show, a fabulous Divas and Divos review by a very talented and energetic cast.
Today we lost an hour, but had an early breakfast on the fantail, followed by sitting at OUR pool table from 9-2! Love it there. There are a million activities and lectures etc. going on, but we just sat at our table sipping on libations all morning and most of the afternoon. We did a quick run to the penny slots and made $11 in 11 minutes. We went to the Italian restaurant for dinner and had the best, intimate table outside, and a great meal.
We skipped the show, a violinist, but stopped by the slots, where we lost $11.50 in 5 minutes…
Dec. 23. Thursday. 79 degrees, Sun, clouds and brief showers. At sea, seas 1-3 ft. Again, lots going on today, including an Elf on the shelf scavenger hunt, but we are happily camped at OUR table by the pool. One of the Elf secret spots is right by us, so lots of crazy activity here! We stayed at the pool through lunch, with Otto and Lissy joining us (requiring mimosas) as a brief shower forced them off the sunbathing deck. I had a massage scheduled at 1:30, so George returned to the suite, where he dozed in the sun, while I enjoyed 75 minutes of a hot stone massage. We relaxed in the suite til Mensa (won), then caroling in the Atrium, drinks in the Observation lounge and dinner in Pacific Rim with Otto and Lissy. Pacific Rim food is not my cup of tea, but it was ok. The show was fabulous. A truly acclaimed broadway performer doing Andrew Lloyd Webber .
Dec. 24. Friday. Curaçao. 85 degrees. Our tour today was to 2 beaches, but wasn’t leaving til 1:30 ( and beachgoers not necessarily all Regent and vaccinated ) and wouldn’t be back til 5:30, so we canceled that tour, in favor of the special Christmas activities planned this afternoon. We basically did our “at sea” stuff with breakfast on the fantail, followed by quality time at OUR table by the pool through lunch. We basked in the balcony sun for the afternoon. There was a special Christmas show by the cast and crew at 5:30, which was heartwarming. Then we went Compass Rose for Dinner (we didn’t do the traditional German Goose!). After dinner, the pool deck was cleared for a Christmas Dance Party. What fun! We could have stayed on til the mid-night Christmas Service, but we were scheduled on a 7:30am tour Christmas Day, so went back to our cabin and had our little private Christmas party before crashing. MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL!!
Sorry we missed your call. Your trip looks really relaxing so far. Merry Christmas!