New Years Eve and home

Friday, December 31, 2021
Miami, Florida, United States
Dec. 31. Friday. 82. Partly cloudy. BVI.  We were scheduled on a “Scenic Drive and Beach Break”, but canceled this morning, as it was to leave any 8:30, and the beach wasn’t exclusive to Regent. We did our pool table lolli-gag thing. The bar opened at 10am, but still no Grolsch!
The Grolsch finally arrived around noon, but just a 6 pack , so we each had 2 then switched to a margarita, with a shot on the side. Subsequently, we napped on the balcony all afternoon! We met Harty and Lissy for drinks then dinner at the Asian Restaurant. No really much I like there, but that’s were they wanted to go.  Update on “the situation on-board”, as the captain calls it is just one more case yesterday, so we are at a total of 19, which is a little less that 2% of the population on board. There was a late show then dance party til mid-night at the pool, which we skipped, but apparently there was more than enough champagne, after all. 
Jan. 1. Happy New Year!! Saturday, 1st of last 2 days at sea. Partly cloudy, 83, seas 5’. Yep, usual at sea day, poolside. We did take a quick break, and were able to successfully get rid of out slots credits. Lunch was Tex-Mex at the pool. I should have taken a picture of the display, as it was a far cry from the “good old days”. In general, I would say things are not yet up to the previous standards. Whether Covid is the reason or the excuse…But, we are here and totally enjoying, so it’s all good. We had a few Grolsch, as we are obligated, seeing as the F&B manager got them for us, then, as Tex-Mex, ordered a margarita, with a side shot.  Again, not sure what is going on, as the Maggie’s always come in short glasses, but these came in tall ones. Did the waiter just figure we’d have another and didn’t want to bother going to get the second? Late afternoon, we watched some college football. Then Mensa, L&O for drinks at the top and dinner in Compass Rose. We got brave and went to the show, which was amazing. These performers are so talented with so much energy!
Jan. 2. Sunday, whoopee, mimosa day!  78. The air is noticeable cooler, but we enjoyed and really lingered on the fantail at breakfast/mimosas. We did go the the 10am lecture on the Bermuda Triangle and were staying for the 11am lecture on the history of stand-up comedy, but walked out due to an annoying couple in front of us who apparently didn’t think the mask policy applied to them!…So, back up to the pool. O&L joined us for lunch, then we all went off to start packing, which is a little tough, cause we still have clothes out in the laundry. Interesting, no Krew Kapers this cruise, we are guessing is due to the “situation on-board”, (currently at 29, but rumor has it, it is mostly crew), as Lissy was on this ship a month or so ago, for a 3-leg cruise in the Mediterranean, then Atlantic crossing, and she said they did Krew Kapers. We packed and had a beer on the balcony, enjoying one last afternoon of warm Caribbean sunshine. We met O&L for drinks and dinner in Compass Rose, then we both went back to our suites to put the final touches on the packing (the last of the laundry finally arriving), then a last drink on the balcony.
Jan. 3. Monday. Miami. 75. Sun then cloudy and windy. Disembarkment Day. We were off the ship about 9. Going through Customs is nothing now; no forms, no questions, just a quick match of you face with you passport picture. We happily handed our luggage off to the waiting Luggage Free agent then boarded the bus for the airport. The airport was a total zoo. No direction on what terminal to go to and as we were 4 hours before our flight, it wasn’t posted on the Departures board yet. So, we went to the terminal where it seemed all of the Delta flights were departing from, and we did guess correctly. However, first our flight was delayed because the incoming plane was delayed. ( I don’t there was any flight out that wasn’t delayed). Then the plane coming in…we’ll, no people to direct it in, so it sat 15 minutes just off from the skyway. When we finally boarded, we waited, then it was announced, we were overweight, so they had to rearrange the baggage below. This took another hour. Meanwhile, we only had an hour to catch our connection, so knew we were in trouble there. When we finally got to Atlanta 2 hours late, we quickly found the long line for help in rearranging flights, and did get on the next flight to Savannah. But wait, that flight was delayed, because the captain we on another plane that was delayed. Then there was the  “EMERGENCY in the terminal, please stand-by”. We were not sure we would get home tonight, but, finally, the pilot landed, we boarded and took off. It was a beautiful flight with clear sky’s and all the lights below.  I had been texting our driver, Etienne, all afternoon, as our eta kept changing. And, there he was, waiting for us, with flashlight in hand. When we got home at 10pm, we had a V&T, crackers and cheese.
End of Story!



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