Theme Pavilion : Ocean & Coast Best Practice Area

Saturday, June 16, 2012
Yeosu, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
The first building we went to saturday morning is a distinctively designed signature landmark of the expo. This houses the Ocean & Coast Best Practice area.

This was the first time I saw our press passes being used. We went to the front of the line where there is a seperate line for disabled, elderly, pregnant women, or VIPs. We showed our passes and had to show additional Press ID to get whisked inside past the many envious onlookers. 

First we were locked in a large chamber where we watched a movie about pollution. Then they moved the group to the next movie viewing room.

This room had tv banks on three sides of the walls. It was a short movie about a talking baby dolphin. They then ask a child volunteer some questions which they speak into a microphone. 

It was ok for families with small kids but I wouldnt mind skipping to the next part, which unfortunately in these pavilions you can not until the show you are in finishes.

Finally we are taken into another large auditorium. Here a small boy enters the stage playing a flute. Then a dolphin will elevate unto stage level from below. He will play and pat the dolphin and sit on his back as the lights dim. 

Then the dolphin with the boy descend down so we can watch the movie screen. Here is a short movie about a boy with the dolphin. It re-enacts some of what has taken place already with the live action actor.

Then from above the auditorium and animatronic dolphin will swing down over the crowd and move crossways over the onlookers. The child actor will return back to stage playing his flute, summuning the dolphin to come towards him. They will pat, kiss, and the boy gives him a hug as the show ends. 

The third part of the show is the most entertaining and what I would have preferred to have seen of the three segments. Unfortunately, you can not skip and go ahead and have to sit thru the first two segments first.  


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