Going-to-Sun rd--St Mary, East entrance>Logan Pass

Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Logan Pass, Montana, United States
GOING-TO-THE-SUN ROAD from Saint Mary East entrance  to Logan's Pass.
Took advantage of the five-minute drive from the campground and came here quite often. The drive was always incredible.
Going at different times of the day and weather conditions made it a unique experience each time. Quite a few cloudy, rainy days and then one day with bright sunshine. Not matter what, Unfathomable Beauty! 
This side of the park was less crowded; much easier to get a parking spot at all the viewpoints.

Lots of waterfalls tumbling down the mountainsides next to the road.
Drove along Lake Mary at dusk almost every evening. Can't get enough sunsets.

Bear sightings several times along the first part of the road either before dawn or at dusk. One evening a ranger had the road blocked off because a bear with two cubs, one brown and   one white, were feeding along the hillside. A precaution in case they crossed the road. We were the only car so got to watch for quite a while. The baby would stand up and look around--so cool!
St. Mary Falls hike: Arrived at the parking lot before dawn. When it got light, the rain started. Rain and very cold, no way we're doing this today. Came a couple of days later. Still cold 33o but at least the sun came out. Bundled up--Randy definitely made a hiking fashion statement! Great views of Lake Mary far below the trail along the mountainside. 

Beautiful scenery the entire way, and lots of wildflowers. On the way back, stopped and watched a moose making his way along the water's edge. 

Saw a lot during our two weeks here, but there is always more to see and hikes to do. Going-to-the Sun road is one of the best drives ever!!! However, there is so much more to this park than just the road views. Even with the summer crowds, Glacier is still our favorite National Park. Hopefully, we will be back here again.
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